Words taken from my ever changing vocabulary
Colla Colla: short for colonnades, a local shopping centre
Noods: Short for Noodles, a stringy pasta with the ability to be cooked in 2 minutes
Sif: Short for "As if", a phrase commonly used by the adolescent human to express disbelief.
Crapola: Extension of the word "crap", know as human feaces, but commonly used to express annoyance or disapproval ie, 'desperate housewives is crap or 'crapola'.
Pyscho-hose-beast: Used to describe a person who has temporarily become unstable.
Mulla-mulla: Originally used to describe my grandmother when she has awoken on the wrong side of life. Currently used for subsequent generations of the female variety.
Poony: (pronounced like a south Australian would say pool but with an 'n' on the end) A term of endearment for a small child
Poon: (pronounced like a Queensland says 'pool' but with an 'n' on the end) A man who sniffs girls bicycle seats
Bog shack: toilet