Saturday, February 05, 2005

More things that give me the irrits

11. Spiders. WTF? Why? And don't go crapping on about circle of life and all that bullshit. Spiders serve no other purpose than to make me cry and be unable to sleep at night.

12. Pissed minda phonecalls at all ours of the morning. Ok stop it. I don't care that you just saw the hottest guy ever or you told your ex to piss off. I can't see the beer stain down the front of your top. I couldn't give a rats ass that you have been lining up out the front of Heaven (aka suicide mansion, whether it be gun shots or drug overdoses, we'll garuntee you a headline death!) for an hour, that's why Im not there! Im asleep, and when I am woken up from my sleep with a piss minda phone call, Im not happy....mmmkay?

13. Early hours of the morning television. Last night I was awoken by what can only be a pissed minda phonecall, so I started watching a bit of a 'lovely' show called 'blokes world'. The opening line was "Where's my ute?". WTF?

14. The name Jeremy. I just don't like it.

15. My sister in law trying to get me in the shit. I just got an interesting phonecall and now I have the shit's on big time, Im going! FUCK IT!


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