Thursday, February 08, 2007

Stop Exterminating your sister!

How many parents have to tell their 3 year old kid not to exterminate other kids?? I'll tell you, 2. Me and Adam. Darcy's love of Dr Who has grown into an obsession. I dropped him off at daycare the other day and as I was signing the book, I heard him saying to another kid "I have an alien in here" whilst pointing to his forehead. There's an episode of Dr Who where the alien 'slitheen' is hidden inside a human body, and when it wants to reveal itself it will unzip it's forehead and pull the skin down, thus revealing the horrible green, farting Alien. Darcy now thinks we all have an alien inside of us (hey that's deep if you think about it). The other day I was removing my makeup when I began wiping my forehead, Darcy was quite upset and said "not on your alien!". I have actually this week ordered him an anatomy book for kids - I need to get him set on the straight road before kids start to realise he's mental.

Rather than try and curb his love for all things Alien, "santa" decided to help him out and left a 12" remote control Dalek for him on Christmas morning. Do you think he was excited??


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