Thursday, November 17, 2005

No, I'm not dead.

Well, I have gone back to work, and after two years....NOTHING HAS CHANGED!! Im working with the same girls, in the same place, and no one has any news for me, nothing. It's actually quite strange, I feel like things should be more different.

Im absolutely exhausted though. My laundry is piling up and I have no food in the house - Im in some serious need of organisation. I'm secretly glad that I am only working till christmas, I already feel like I need a break!!

Uni is finished for the year THANK GOD!! I had my final (and only) exam on Monday, which I finished an hour early. I'm thinking this isn't a good sign - so let's not talk about it eh?

I will come back and write some more detail about work etc, but for now I need to go and pass out!

I won't be gone too long........


Monday, November 07, 2005

No one home...

Nope, there's no one there :( AF never lies...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

*knock knock* Hellooo Wooomb??? Anyone in there???

HOLY CRAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!!!!!!!! I have had an absolute ROLLERCOSTER of a week, and it's not quite over.

On sunday I did a home pregnancy test, and I got a faint line. And I mean faaiiiiinnnntttt!!!!!! It seemed to get darker over time, so of course I was estatic!! Againts Adams better judgement, I rang a few family and friends and told them I was pregnant. I was still cautious though and decided to test the next day (after secretly doing another the same day which was also super faint). So monday morning I took a test with first slash of the day and it was first, it too after some time got a little faint (ffaaaiiiiinnntttt) line. So at 12 days past ovulation (shut up) I went to get a blood test, and it came back NEGATIVE!! WTF!!!!???????? Anyway, I still wasn't convinced I wasn't preg, so I waited until today and tested again......POSITIVE, but FFAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

So im going to get another blood test tomorrow. Please lord let it be positive, my head is being truly fucked!


Oh yeah, I got a job. Going to work in the chocolate shop for christmas!! Yeehaa grandma! Bring on the 10kg!!!!!!!
