Thursday, November 03, 2005

*knock knock* Hellooo Wooomb??? Anyone in there???

HOLY CRAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!!!!!!!! I have had an absolute ROLLERCOSTER of a week, and it's not quite over.

On sunday I did a home pregnancy test, and I got a faint line. And I mean faaiiiiinnnntttt!!!!!! It seemed to get darker over time, so of course I was estatic!! Againts Adams better judgement, I rang a few family and friends and told them I was pregnant. I was still cautious though and decided to test the next day (after secretly doing another the same day which was also super faint). So monday morning I took a test with first slash of the day and it was first, it too after some time got a little faint (ffaaaiiiiinnntttt) line. So at 12 days past ovulation (shut up) I went to get a blood test, and it came back NEGATIVE!! WTF!!!!???????? Anyway, I still wasn't convinced I wasn't preg, so I waited until today and tested again......POSITIVE, but FFAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

So im going to get another blood test tomorrow. Please lord let it be positive, my head is being truly fucked!


Oh yeah, I got a job. Going to work in the chocolate shop for christmas!! Yeehaa grandma! Bring on the 10kg!!!!!!!



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