Thursday, February 08, 2007

Stop Exterminating your sister!

How many parents have to tell their 3 year old kid not to exterminate other kids?? I'll tell you, 2. Me and Adam. Darcy's love of Dr Who has grown into an obsession. I dropped him off at daycare the other day and as I was signing the book, I heard him saying to another kid "I have an alien in here" whilst pointing to his forehead. There's an episode of Dr Who where the alien 'slitheen' is hidden inside a human body, and when it wants to reveal itself it will unzip it's forehead and pull the skin down, thus revealing the horrible green, farting Alien. Darcy now thinks we all have an alien inside of us (hey that's deep if you think about it). The other day I was removing my makeup when I began wiping my forehead, Darcy was quite upset and said "not on your alien!". I have actually this week ordered him an anatomy book for kids - I need to get him set on the straight road before kids start to realise he's mental.

Rather than try and curb his love for all things Alien, "santa" decided to help him out and left a 12" remote control Dalek for him on Christmas morning. Do you think he was excited??

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Definition of 'slack' - me....

I think I need some sort of award or at least some recognition of how bloody slack I am. This blog is actually mouldy it's been sitting here so long. Check out the last post for goodness sake! I'm no longer 33 weeks pregnant, I'm now a mother of two.

Matilda Alice was born on October 16th at 4.03pm via emergency c-section. I was in labour for just over 5 hours - and it was hell....oh yeah it was f'ing CRAP!! So Matilda came into the world a little round ball of fat with a pug face. She screamed. And screamed, and then screamed some more just incase we hadn't heard her the first time. There's no denying it - Adam and I create some pretty nasty looking newborns! Tilly had attitude from day 1. Infact I didn't like to look at her in the eye because I could see all the nasty things she was thinking about me. "Who in HELL sent me to this family?" or "what did I do to deserve this" or "what are you looking at?". Yep - she was nasty.

Now however it's a different story. She's actually totally and utterly adorable! SHe has quite a nice face and she's even pretty. She doesn't glare at me anymore either. She actually likes me which is nice. Darcy adores her! He has just started picking her up and walking around with her...dangerous but cute.

That is the major news. ANything other than that is a little boring really. I'll do separate posts to talk about my ever so exciting christmas (minus Adam) and our glorious New Hawaai!

Check ya.
41 weeks pregnant
Matilda now

"You have GOT to be kidding me..."

"I am in HELL"

"Well THANKYOU very much!"