Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Holy crap! Where in hell have I been???????????? Well, here's the low down. In short dot points because I can't be rooted writing it all.

1. Got married

2. Went to new zealand for two weeks

3. Became a Needle

4. Bought a house

5. Moved in

So that's about it, and holy shit what a big six months that has been! Now our current project is trying to recreate some sporn (or is it spawn?). Either way we are doing it ( and 'doing it') and it's fun. That's all Ill say about that. Anywhoo, I was reading back on a few of my previous blog entries, and holy fuck was I PMSing or what in half of those??? Those uni students that I was shamelessly ripping to shreds are now my friends (note to self, don't send them a link to this blog) all except for exploding pimple lady, I just can't look at her face without thinking of that horrid pus ball on it ( I just gagged).

Not much else is going on, Hubby is still working on the rig (sounds like a cold chisel song) and enjoying it, although makes bloody hard for fertilization to occur (could I sound more clinical?). You know, the funny thing about hormones? When I was preg with my son, Hubby (that's his name from now on so deal) hired the movie super troopers, and I thought it was the biggest piece of shit that I had ever seen. I actually started a fight over it. Anyway, recently I found it in our stash of dvd's and decided to put it on, and HOLY FUCK! My stomach muscles took weeks (ok maybe minutes) to recover from the laughter, and no I wasn't on the chooch. But seriously, the opening seen is just so f'ing funny, I actually have a huge smirk on my dial right now thinking of it....."I'm freaking out man"....."I can't pull over any farther" ahhh, some classic lines.

Anyway, hopefully now that I have some readers on board (that's your little Heidmeister), I think Ill be around a little more (have I not said that a million times before? Im such a liar!).

Check you later! Alpha

ps I got sucked into Lost and Desperate Housewives, fucking channel 7