Thursday, October 28, 2004

Rain in the night!

We are moving tomorrow. Im feeling quite confident about the move because we are fairly organised and have the entire day today to finish any packing and ready ourselves for tomorrow. It will only be Adam and I moving tomorrow - everyone else is working! A friend of mine will look after Darcy for half the day just to keep him out of the way! But, we couldn't have picked a better time to move, the weather here has been pretty crappy and it rained ALOT over the last few days. What has this got to do with moving 20 minutes away I here you ask?? Well, the other night we were lying peacefully in bed (as peaceful as you can when it's raining so hard on our bedroom skylight that it sounds like stones on a tin roof) when I heard....drip........drip.........drip. The skylight was leaking on our bed, ON MY SIDE OF THE BED. So typical. So I woke Adam and said "The skylight is leaking, what should I do" only to have "I don't know" grunted back at me. So, I just grabbed a towel and draped it over myself and went back to sleep. I didn't go and sleep in the double bed in the spare room, that would have just been logical!

So we will be migrating tomorrow. I can't wait to get into the new house!

Monday, October 25, 2004

What the....?

Well, wasn't that a depressing little posty post! HA! Vent over. Anyway - boys can be really nice sometimes. Adam makes me feel like the most special person in the world, and isn't that all that matters? Anyway, get fucked! Being a mum is a full time job so ner!


Have you ever sat back and described your life the way some other people could see it? Or talked about yourself as if you were talking about someone else? I was thinking the other day about how some people could see my life, and now Im a little more than depressed.

This chick did really badly at highschool, only to leave and have a captain half-task job in a retail toy shop. She met this really nice guy who paid for everything and let her live the highlife, only to be kicked out of home and then have to live off him (basically for free) unable to afford much on pissy casual wages. She lived like this for a year, unable to find fulltime employment. THEN she had 'issues' with her boyfriend, only to return home, still no fulltime job, only to find out she's pregnant with his child. So she goes back to live with her boyfriend, continues casual employment until birth of their baby, and since has been again living off her boyfriend (note boyfriend, not husband, so she couldn't even do the right thing by her bastard son) whilst staying at home looking after the baby. On top of this add 3 failed attempts at getting into uni. What a stupid, lazy, freeloading tart.

Paints a lovely picture doesn't it? Doesn't really matter if other people hate you when you call it like this.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Adam's home!

Adam came home on Monday! It was so nice going down to the airport to pick him up. You should have seen Darcy's face, it was hard to tell if he was in awe of his dad or pissed off that he left him for so long! Either way, it was so cute! It's been great having him home, Darcy is attatched to him at all times! They really are great together. It's also nice to have someone cook tea for me!! Adam is working today, but this isn't neccessarily a bad thing - we do have tendancies to kill each other when we spend too much time together! Tragic really isn't it, but Im sure many other couples are the same!

We found out on Monday that we got a house we applied for! Im really excited to move. It's a 5 year old villa so it's very modern and extremely comfortable. Now all we need to do is actually move. Im trying to convince myself that it won't be that hard - I think it's working, for now. So this week has been a pretty good one all round!

Oh by the way. I hate HI-5. Who's idea was that anyway? Im not happy. Im going to virtual slap that Kelly tarts face off if she does another cutsey puke baby face at me!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Show us your truck!

This morning I was lying peacefully in my warm cosy bed, sleeping. The sun was coming up, and Darcy too was asleep in his cot. The house was still and quiet. Until all of a sudden, a great big fuck off truck came to an offensive halt right outside my house! RIGHT OUTSIDE MY HOUSE!!! Leaving the truck running, off the back drove a bobcat, and proceeded to bobcat the next door neighbours yard! Oh yeah, booobbbbbcaaaattttt!!!!!!!! This rude awakening was only heightened when I rolled over (actually it was more of a violent turn) to see on my clock, it was 5.47 am. Now if you didn't see it, there was a 5 in that time. A FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I didn't look like shit, I would have run out there and kicked that truck, but I didn't. Besides, truck drivers are scary!

NOT HAPPY JAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now im in a shit mood.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004


Yesterday I went and looked at a house that we may possibly move in to. It is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! It's only 5 years old so very modern. There were a few things that I thought Adam would say no to, like the fact that it had no shed. It also doesn't really have a back yard, it has a little courtyard - which is great for just me and Darcy! It means I don't have to mow anything and also that Darcy can play outside on his own! It has beautiful french doors that open out to the courtyard. ANyway, I spoke to Adam last night and he said YES!!! So I faxed off our application last night. I soo hope we get it. It's nice and close to our family so it's great!

I went to my sisters for tea last night which was nice. I felt really sorry for Sarah (sister) because her 3 year old Dante was....having issues......not really bad one's, just 3 year old one's which I guess for a 3 year old is pretty bad. I mean who wouldn't cry because their shower is too hot, then too cold, then too hot, then too cold, when Sarah is actually only pretending to turn the taps?? It's hard for kids, especially for one's with a large imagination! Sarah felt bad for feeling frustrated, but I was sitting there trying to think of which cupboard would be best to lock Darcy in while he got past his "issues" stage of life. That sounds bad but it's all the rage nowadays. All the soapies do it! Hell, I don't really have to see Darcy until he's what....4...5.....18....which ever suits my life at the time I guess. I suppose the "cupboard fairies" look after them or something. Anyway, I think Sarah's problem is that Dante's quite big and she doesn't really have a cupboard big enough. Poor Bugger.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Party O Party

Today I am hosting a skin care party. My friend has just become a skin care party planner person. I thought I'd help her out by hosting one with our friends so that she felt comfortable doing her first party with a bunch of friends rather than a bunch of strangers who may not be so forgiving. I've made some nice muffins (low fat of course), sandwiches and I have some dip with crackers and vegie sticks. It should be a nice afternoon of pampering! Anyway, it got me thinking about the party plan side of life, I never quite realized just how many things are sold through party plan. There's skin party's, make-up, kitchenware, clothes, books, kids clothes, kids books, toys, plastic containers, haircare, cleaning products, shoes, bags, appliances, sex toys, lingerie, scrapbooking, the list is endless (actually I just can't think of anymore)! But then I started to think of some of the things that aren't party plan products that may or may not suit the industry - like personal hygiene for ladies, you know what I mean. Would you get to try these products out? Would the party planner have to give a demonstration? What about animals? Why not let someone into your home with all there 'demo cats' or 'demo birds' so you can try before you buy? Im sure the 'party planner' would come equipped with all the latest dog breeds with their freak ass labradoodle or whatever deformity has been made recently. Oh the host could get a free cat for every $5oo dollars spent!

Fertilizer Parties - for those with a green thumb!
Let me bring bags of shit into your home for your smelling pleasure! We'll scoop sample's onto your garden and see what flourishes and what dies in a pile of shit crap! YEAH!

Bring on the parties.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004


At the moment, my life revolves around housing. Unfortunately not around purchasing housing, but renting. We are moving in 19 days time and as of yet, haven't found a new house to live in - but I'm not panicking, yet. Adam has just started a new job which requires him to work away 3 weeks at a time. Yes that is a long time, especially when we have a 1 year old! The upside to the job though is that he gets to have 3 weeks at home! YEAH! I can't wait to have him all to myself for 3 whole weeks (well I suppose I'd better share him with Darcy (our 1 year old), he is a bit of a fan after all!)! The money is also great. Looks even better when you consider he only works for 6 months of the year! Anyway, back to moving. We want to move further south to be closer to family, after all, they are the ones who I'll turn to for support in the time that Adam's away. I know we have heaps of time to find something, but I want something NOW!!

Now for something completely different, I'm really surprised at how tired I am looking after Darcy on my own! I used to walk around with a giant chip on my shoulder (which I've since eaten) because I thought I did everything myself, it's not until Adam has been away that I've realized how much he actually did! It also doesn't help that Darcy is waking up at 6 EVERY MORNING! Damn you birds, damn you all to hell - where there is no seed and Lucifer is Felix! YEAH! vent over. It's strange though, Adam and I had been talking for 2 years about the prospect of him having a job where he worked away for weeks at a time, but when it actually came up, we were really nervous and started to doubt whether we had made the right decision about him accepting the job, but now that he's away we both agree that we have made the right decision (we do like each other, I made it sound like we are happy because we are apart, but seriously, we do like each other!). I have this sense of peace at the moment, like this is exactly where we are meant to be right now! Having said that, ask me tomorrow morning when those shittin birds have woken Darcy up AGAIN!

Monday, October 04, 2004

So many starts..

I have started so many different things in my life, and I don't think I have ever stuck at it. My most recent failure, knitting. I knitted a scarf in the 'normal' knitting style, as you do, and then gave up when I couldn't learn the next knitting style, the 'pearl'. Ah knit schmit! I have a scarf! It's not like I need more than one (even if it isn't long enough to wrap around my neck, it's more like a drape really) and anyway, it's actually more expensive to make one than to buy one from Big W. See that's my other problem, Im really good at justifying WHY I don't stick at things. The first 'hobby' I tried to start was a collection of house plans cut carefully from the newspaper and glued into a exercise book. Why I here you ask? (actually it's more like um, whhhhyyyyyyy?) I like looking at house plans ok? Is that so hard to believe? Actually now that I look back, that's probably not such a bad thing to fail at, afterall, what do you do with piles of exercise books containing cut outs of house plans? Not that I ever had piles mind you, Im a giverupperer (I just made that up) remember? My excuse: all house plans are basically the same - therefore making for a boring hobby. At least stamps, however boring, are different.

Hobby's are crap. Unless you have one. Obviously I don't.

Maybe this could be one. Let's see how long it lasts.