Party O Party
Today I am hosting a skin care party. My friend has just become a skin care party planner person. I thought I'd help her out by hosting one with our friends so that she felt comfortable doing her first party with a bunch of friends rather than a bunch of strangers who may not be so forgiving. I've made some nice muffins (low fat of course), sandwiches and I have some dip with crackers and vegie sticks. It should be a nice afternoon of pampering! Anyway, it got me thinking about the party plan side of life, I never quite realized just how many things are sold through party plan. There's skin party's, make-up, kitchenware, clothes, books, kids clothes, kids books, toys, plastic containers, haircare, cleaning products, shoes, bags, appliances, sex toys, lingerie, scrapbooking, the list is endless (actually I just can't think of anymore)! But then I started to think of some of the things that aren't party plan products that may or may not suit the industry - like personal hygiene for ladies, you know what I mean. Would you get to try these products out? Would the party planner have to give a demonstration? What about animals? Why not let someone into your home with all there 'demo cats' or 'demo birds' so you can try before you buy? Im sure the 'party planner' would come equipped with all the latest dog breeds with their freak ass labradoodle or whatever deformity has been made recently. Oh the host could get a free cat for every $5oo dollars spent!
Fertilizer Parties - for those with a green thumb!
Let me bring bags of shit into your home for your smelling pleasure! We'll scoop sample's onto your garden and see what flourishes and what dies in a pile of shit crap! YEAH!
Bring on the parties.
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