Thursday, February 08, 2007

Stop Exterminating your sister!

How many parents have to tell their 3 year old kid not to exterminate other kids?? I'll tell you, 2. Me and Adam. Darcy's love of Dr Who has grown into an obsession. I dropped him off at daycare the other day and as I was signing the book, I heard him saying to another kid "I have an alien in here" whilst pointing to his forehead. There's an episode of Dr Who where the alien 'slitheen' is hidden inside a human body, and when it wants to reveal itself it will unzip it's forehead and pull the skin down, thus revealing the horrible green, farting Alien. Darcy now thinks we all have an alien inside of us (hey that's deep if you think about it). The other day I was removing my makeup when I began wiping my forehead, Darcy was quite upset and said "not on your alien!". I have actually this week ordered him an anatomy book for kids - I need to get him set on the straight road before kids start to realise he's mental.

Rather than try and curb his love for all things Alien, "santa" decided to help him out and left a 12" remote control Dalek for him on Christmas morning. Do you think he was excited??

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Definition of 'slack' - me....

I think I need some sort of award or at least some recognition of how bloody slack I am. This blog is actually mouldy it's been sitting here so long. Check out the last post for goodness sake! I'm no longer 33 weeks pregnant, I'm now a mother of two.

Matilda Alice was born on October 16th at 4.03pm via emergency c-section. I was in labour for just over 5 hours - and it was hell....oh yeah it was f'ing CRAP!! So Matilda came into the world a little round ball of fat with a pug face. She screamed. And screamed, and then screamed some more just incase we hadn't heard her the first time. There's no denying it - Adam and I create some pretty nasty looking newborns! Tilly had attitude from day 1. Infact I didn't like to look at her in the eye because I could see all the nasty things she was thinking about me. "Who in HELL sent me to this family?" or "what did I do to deserve this" or "what are you looking at?". Yep - she was nasty.

Now however it's a different story. She's actually totally and utterly adorable! SHe has quite a nice face and she's even pretty. She doesn't glare at me anymore either. She actually likes me which is nice. Darcy adores her! He has just started picking her up and walking around with her...dangerous but cute.

That is the major news. ANything other than that is a little boring really. I'll do separate posts to talk about my ever so exciting christmas (minus Adam) and our glorious New Hawaai!

Check ya.
41 weeks pregnant
Matilda now

"You have GOT to be kidding me..."

"I am in HELL"

"Well THANKYOU very much!"

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

33 weeks

Here's a pic of me at 33 weeks. It's all going pretty fast actually which is nice. Nothing much is going on here (what a surprise). Darcy is still doing his thing, although now his obsession (and I mean OBSESSION) is, thanks to my father, Doctor Who. Yes that's right, Doctor Who. He loves it and nags me to death every day to watch the "Daleks". His favourite toy at the moment is a yellow spuirty bottle that he uses to spray ants whilst saying "exterminate". I am the parent of a sci-fi nerd, and he's only 2 years old. There is seriously NO hope.

I'll try to post some pics of my own little "Dalek" (freak). But for now, here's the belly pic.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Rooobe, Roooooobe, Sunlight come and me going to Robe (own version)

Last week (was it?) we went to Robe for 3 nights. We stayed in the "blue house" according to Darcy, which is quite clever considering the house was bright blue on the outside. Anyway, we had a great time relaxing. It was so nice having a gas heater and not having to build a fire! I was walking around in singlets because it was so hot in the house. We didn't do alot really. I spent all of about 45 minutes walking the main street of Robe "shopping" before driving back to our house. Our friends Bree and Mark headed up for 1 night which was nice. We spent thursday afternoon playing trivial pursuit, and I'm proud to say that Adam and I won, quite easily, much to Mark's disgust! LOL Thursday night we headed to the local pub for a meal which was great, they meals weren't cheap but HUGE! I certainly didn't need an entree of oysters before my fish 'n chips. The pokies were then calling me so I went and had a flutter, and won $20! Noice!

Darcy's new obsession is "Harry Popper". He would watch it all day and night if he could, and that's pretty much what he did in Robe. He had a few fishing moments with Adam, who quickly became frustrated when Darcy screamed the jetty down everytime Adam pulled the fishing line in and there was no fish attatched (and let me tell you, that was alot of times). We think maybe we'll wait until he understands a bit more about fishing before taking him again, he's certainly not the best fishing mate!
This is the kitchen in our house we stayed in. It was by far the best accomodation I think we have stayed in, and for an absolute bargain price too! This photo makes it look like Adam actually spent time in the kitchen, but let me assure you - he didn't.
This is the bedroom Adam and I had. I absolutely LOVE the colour scheme, and no I'm not being sarcastic, I loved it!
And this is by far my best acheivement yet - Darcy washing dishes. Not only did he WANT to wash dishes, but he screamed the North side of Robe down when we had finished. I can't wait to tell him that when he's 10 and crying the south of Adelaide down because he was asked to do the dishes.

I have my first clinical placement this week in a hospital in the far north. To say I'm crapping myself would be an understatement. I think I'll be fine, but my stomach hasn't been been very strong recently so I'm a bit worried about how I'll cope with 'smell's'. Let's just leave it at that.

Ok bye.

Friday, May 19, 2006

20 weeks

Hi, I'm 20 weeks pregnant on Monday, and finally my head isn't permanently stuck in a toilet bowl. It's now only a few days a week, which is definately an improvement!

Ok, so what's been going on......I've one assignment to complete and then I have finished uni work for the entire year! I can't even begin to explain what a good feeling that is. As much as I do like uni, I have really struggled this semester and I'm really just looking forward to something else for awhile. This will mainly consist of household type duties, but it will be something different.

Anyway, just thought I'd post a preggo pic for those that had been askin ;).


Saturday, April 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Daniel!

Ok, so these pics were taken of a screen, but I really was at this silverchair concert, my digital camera was just too shit to take photos from as far back as I was! These pics were taken at the Clipsal 500 after party concert on the 24th of March. Alot of people said they were shit, I thought they were awesome, but then what else would I think.

Today is Daniel Johns' 27th birthday, so happy birthday Daniel. I was laughing with my dad today thinking of the times I used to send him birthday cards every year.....I never did get a reply....hmm, I wonder.

As for me, i have been feeling alot better although still have the odd technicolour yawn. Uni is shit. I can't wait to finish at the end of this semester and become the house bitch again! I like cooking muffins ok?? Okay.

Alright, see ya.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

So where in Hell is my fish??

We had 6 fish, and now we only have 5. I don't know where the other one has gone! I woke up one morning, was eating my breakfast whilst looking at the fish, only to see to my shock that we were a fish short. I checked the surrounding area to see if the fish had jumped out - but no, no fish to be seen. WHAT THE HELL!! I know it was probably eaten, but shit!

So anyway, pregnancy is still shit at the moment. I find myself in a constant porcelein pash (think about it) and it's not nice. Adam decided to be selfish and get gastro so I had to share some of the misery with him. Luckily he's better now, so I get all the attention again. But come on, when is enough enough??

I'm back at uni now which seems to be taking up most of my time. I started this year with good intentions, and in my true style - I failed. I still leave everything to the last minute, and do a generally half assed job because I'm too tired to concentrate. So yeah. Good times.

I'm sitting here, and Adam's telling Darcy off for throwing a tantrum. I suggested he ignore him, to which adam whined back "But I can't hear the tveeeeeee". So I think this is my cue to leave.
