Monday, January 09, 2006


Last night Darcy and I went to the beach with my mum and dad. For the South Aussies reading this it was Christies Beach. Anyway, mum was swimming with Darcy about 5-10 metres from the shore whilst dad and I were about not quite waist deep. Anyway there I am looking at mum and Darcy, when about 5 metres from them I see a FIN!! A FUCKING FIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was looking at this fin thinking, "Is that a fin" only to look at mum who says "get out". So I did what any mother would do who's child is risk of being Shark food, I ran for my life, leaving my mother to struggle for shore with Darcy. (oh shite, Im going to hell). Anyway we are standing there thinking, where did it go, when the fin surfaced again, so I started screaming to everyone in the water "GET OUT GET OUT!!!" to which people started scrambling for the beach. Then, someone calmly says "it's a dolphin". Hee. A Dolphin. Bloody dangerous loving animals. But I tell you it was bloody scary! There have been a few shark attacks recently that has spooked everyone. Although people were laughing, probably relieved that we weren't so close to being eaten, no one went back into the water. We went in a little bit, but still felt nervous. It was so bloody scary though! I still get shivers just thinking about it!

I wonder if thats my near death experience?? hmmm........


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